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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership


25 Feb 2025
Commercial vehicle operation results

Over 100 drivers were identified as posing a risk to innocent road users through their own or their vehicle’s poor standards during a two-week drive to focus on commercial vehicles.

Reducing casualties on our roads and ensuring everyone returns to their family is daily business for South Yorkshire Police officers. This work formed part of a national campaign dedicated to commercial vehicles.

It must be recognised that larger vehicles and those carrying loads have a greater ability to cause harm if they are not loaded, secured, and maintained correctly.

During the operation, held between 27 January and 9 February, officers, alongside the Driver Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), set up check sites across South Yorkshire where vehicles were checked for their weight, load, and condition.

Of the vehicles checked, 158 offences were identified; 112 of those offences were on light commercial vehicles under 3.5 tonnes, with 17 vehicles deemed too dangerous to drive away. These vehicles were made subject to a prohibition order which meant they could not be driven until they had been repaired.

Officers also engaged with and educated drivers where possible around distraction, having clear windscreens and how they can improve safety for themselves and everyone else.

Temporary Roads Policing Inspector Brandon Brown explains more. He said: “Our focus and priority will always be to reduce casualties on our roads.

“As traffic officers, we sadly see the devastation fatal collisions cause for families, friends and communities across South Yorkshire.

“Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. We cannot be everywhere at all times so drivers must take action to help reduce risk.

“Simple checks of your vehicle and following the law can be the difference between life and death.
“We know the majority of people are thankful for our efforts in increasing road safety, but we are often criticised that these operations are to generate income; this couldn’t be further from the truth. Laws are there to protect people - innocent people who may lose their lives because of the irresponsible actions of others.

“Remember, please do your part.”
