National campaigns
Department for Transport THINK! road safety includes information about a range of campaigns including vehicle checks, cycling, drink and drug driving, fatigue, mobile phones, motorcycling, seat belts and speed.
Brake National Road Safety Week– the road safety charity Brake organise an annual road safety week in November. Road Safety Week aims to inspire thousands of schools, organisations and communities to take action on road safety and promote life-saving messages during the Week and beyond. It also provides a focal point for professionals working in road safety to boost awareness and engagement in their work.
TyreSafe – promoting correct tyre care and maintenance and raising awareness of the dangers of defective and illegal tyres. Tyre Safety month runs throughout October each year.
IAM RoadSmart - helping you to become a better driver or rider by developing the skills of all licence holders through advanced courses, business programmes and introductory sessions.
Modeshift STARS - the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel.
RoSPA – the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has published comprehensive advice about driving in winter weather conditions.
NPCC - National Roads Policing Operations Calendar - this is a list of themed operations which are targetted at set times of the year. This includes drink and drug driving, young drivers and commercial vehicles.
For further information about SYSRP and our campaigns and initiatives, or if you have any queries, then contact us using this form or drop an email to
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