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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership

Drive Start

Drive Start is an interactive session for novice and pre-drivers. It demonstrates that ‘driving isn’t easy’ and highlights the importance of extended learning and gaining greater experience


We are offering this as an in-class session, delivered by the Safer Roads Team for FREE. The in-class session will be 1 hour +/- to a class size of around 30 +/-. 

As well as delivering in person, we are also offering you an online e-module version of this course that students can complete in class or at home. 

Sheffield City Council have purchased the use of DriveStart Online, a resource for pre- and young drivers (KS5) in South Yorkshire, which is available to your students free of charge.
The modules cover topics such as motivation to drive, mitigating risk factors on the road, decision making and personal responsibility, and even includes a parental agreement page to help young people gain more experience behind the wheel with the support of a parent/guardian. Each module includes a downloadable file at the end, which includes a summary and the notes made throughout that same module.
DriveStart is a strengths-based, evidence-led digital learning package for young people. Users will be able to revisit the online modules as and when they want/need to if they keep their login details. DriveStart can be accessed on computers, mobile devices and tablets, therefore making it easily accessible.
The program itself is on an online private portal, available on
To access your free login please email confirming your local area - Barnsley, Rotherham, Sheffield or Doncaster.
To be eligible for this free resource you must live, work, study to travel regularly in South Yorkshire.

