Press releases and news articles archive
2503 - The Mayor's Walk and Wheel Challenge
2502 - Commercial vehicle operation results
2502 - Funding boost set to support the Safe System
2502 - Show your tyres some love
2412 - Severe wind and rain warnings
2412 - You better 'Watch' out...
2411 - Drink a little...risk a lot...
2411 - Join the 0% club this Christmas
2411 - Young councillors debate safe roads
2411 - Doncaster supports week of action
2411 - Students on the road to safety
2410 - Return of the Dark Nights
2410 - Learning fit for a King
2409 - Increase in road deaths in South Yorkshire
2409 - Q & A for young motorcycle riders
2409 - 999 Day: Tribute to Emergency Services Heroes
2409 - A fresh start to September
2408 - Campaign to end road death
2408 - South Yorkshire by Bike
2408 - 300 people killed in drink-drive collisions
2407 - Remembering Road Victims
2407 - Shining a light on safe summer roads
1707 - Close pass mat at Sheffield Cycle event
1707 - Safer Driving at 60 plus event in Rotherham
1707 - 2016 casualty statistics, strategy and website launch
1706 - Return of South Yorkshire lady Biker Day
1705 - Safer Roads Partnership supporting the National Roads Policing Motorcycle Week of Action
1704 - Roll out the red carpet for the 4th Road Safety Oscars in South Yorkshire
1702 - Penalties for using a mobile phone at the wheel set to double
For further information about SYSRP and our campaigns and initiatives, or if you have any queries, then contact us using this form or drop an email to
To keep up-to-date with our many events and initiatives around South Yorkshire then follow us @SYSaferRoads.

More than 100 offences were identified by our partners as part of commercial vehicle campaign.