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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership
Enhancing safety for road users via the design and maintenance of roads using a 'worst first' approach to prioritising schemes based on casualty reduction potential. 

As part of our efforts to encourage partners to adopt a 'Safe System' approach to ensure the transport system is designed, as far as possible, to protect people from death and serious injury we will:

  • Identify, implement and evaluate an annual programme of Local Safety Schemes as funding allows
  • Establish a central repository to store data related to the effectiveness of Local Safety Schemes
  • Implement road safety engineering schemes like traffic calming to slow traffic as this is shown to have an impact on speed and hence the number and severity of collisions
  • Ensure the design and maintenance of the road network seeks to improve road safety outcomes
  • Undertake road safety audit of highway improvement schemes, in line with the South Yorkshire standard approach, to identify road safety problems and suggest measures to eliminate or minimise any concerns
  • Provide facilities for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists
  • Work in line with the South Yorkshire common approach to setting speed limits
  • Continue to roll out 20mph limits and zones in residential areas and outside schools. These targeted danger reduction schemes also aim to improve quality of life and encourage more people to walk or cycle in a bid to improve health and protect the environment. Evaluation of new schemes will enable us to provide support for such measures in the future
  • Keep a watching brief on emerging vehicle technologies globally and nationally and considering the implications for future activity under the 3 Es of Education, Enforcement and Engineering

For further information about SYSRP and our campaigns and initiatives, or if you have any queries, then contact us using this form or drop an email to

To keep up-to-date with our many events and initiatives around South Yorkshire then follow us @SYSaferRoads.

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26 Jul 2024
August is National Road Victims Month - a time to think about all those families impacted by the devastation caused by a road traffic collision.
10 Jul 2024
Barnsley and Sheffield have been announced as two of the host venues for the 20th edition of the Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain Men taking place between 3 and 8 September.
01 Jul 2024
Partners across the UK are coming together to try and prevent a spike in summer collisions.
14 Mar 2022
Free motorcycle first aid training
Our FREE two-hour session is aimed at providing all motorbike and scooter riders who live or ride in the county with basic first-aid skills and awareness of road traffic collision management.
Free motorcycle first aid training
Our FREE two-hour session is aimed at providing all motorbike and scooter riders who live or ride in the county with basic first-aid skills and awareness of road traffic collision management.
Free motorcycle first aid training
Our FREE two-hour session is aimed at providing all motorbike and scooter riders who live or ride in the county with basic first-aid skills and awareness of road traffic collision management.