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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership


General terms and conditions

The South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership (SYSRP) has made every effort to ensure that the content on this website is relevant, accurate and up-to-date.

However SYSRP, or any of the partner organisations listed on this site, cannot be held responsible to users of the information (or any other person) for any errors, omissions, losses, costs, or claims which arise as a result of relying on the information or advice contained in this site.

SYSRP is not responsible for the content of the websites which you may access via links from this website.

Unless otherwise specified, all content on this site is © South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership and/or its partners. This content includes text, images and downloadable documents. If you would like to reproduce any content for any purpose, please contact us for permission in writing.

Our policies and protocols

The policies and protocols that govern how we use this website, and all other SYSRP communications, can be found in our communications framework, which forms part of our Communications Strategy. They can also be found listed below.
