South Yorkshire position updated January 2024:
The latest data for South Yorkshire shows that 791 people were seriously injured as the result of a road traffic collision between July 2022 and June 2023 (not yet validated).
During the same period, 39 people lost their lives on South Yorkshire’s roads.
Combined, these figures represent a 5.5 per cent increase compared to the same period in the previous 12 months.
Total casualties for this period have increased by 2.4 per cent.
Annual statistics for 2022 calendar year:
South Yorkshire has 11th highest KSIs* out of 43 police forces
South Yorkshire has 19th highest fatalities* out of 43 police forces
*not per population head
KSI per centage change from 2019 (pre-pandemic) to 2022:
South Yorkshire: 4 per cent decrease
National average: 3 per cent decrease