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Adult cycling training
Drink driving
Drug driving
Horse riders
Mobile phones
Sharing the road
Smart motorways
Winter driving
Take Control - Novice and Pre-driver Course

Young people often find it difficult to appreciate the consequences of the decisions they make. These decisions can affect all areas of life, including academic achievements, relationships, and wellbeing. However, the consequences of an impulsive decision are often seen most tragically on the roads.
The reasons why young people are more prone to making impulsive decisions are complex but are now understood to be associated with the brain’s development and a desire for peer acceptance.
Impulsivity has been defined as:
Action without forethought or conscious judgement (Moeller, et al. 2001)
It has also been associated with, or characterised as, “an ability to offset an immediate reward for a great reward later” (Solnick, et al. 1980).