A national operation is underway to highlight the four most common offences that lead to serious and fatal collisions.
Nationally, over recent years, July has seen a spike in the number of people killed or seriously injured on the UK network.
In South Yorkshire alone, 81 people were seriously injured and three people lost their lives on our roads in July 2023.
In a bid to prevent a rise in serious and fatal collisions, road safety teams across the country are taking part in Operation Spotlight – a-four-week blitz targeting dangerous road use.
A spokesperson for South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership (SYSRP) said: “We want to encourage road users to think twice about their actions before risking lives by breaking the law.
“Speeding, using a mobile phone behind the wheel, driving under the influence of drink or drugs and not wearing a seatbelt are the four leading causes of fatal and serious collisions.
“Our partners in the police will take robust action against anyone flouting the law and together we will strive to prevent families going through the pain caused by preventable collisions.”
Throughout July, South Yorkshire partners will take part in a range of engagement, education and enforcement activities as well as progressing on-going road safety schemes in local communities.
Partners will use data and evidence to plan speed enforcement activity, engage with at risk road user groups and signpost members of the public to on-line resources around vehicle checks, travel planners and motorway driving.
“This campaign is very much daily business for all our partners and is in-line with our Vision Zero county-wide strategy,” said Insp Matt Collings of South Yorkshire Police.
“But it’s important that we use campaigns like this to raise the profile of our casualty reduction work to try and save as many lives as possible.
“Tragically, 23 people have already lost their lives in a road traffic collision in our county in 2024.
“Enforcement, engineering and education are all key when it comes to reducing collisions, but we all have a part to play in making our roads safer, choosing to make good decisions and encouraging our friends and family to do the same.”