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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership
27 Sep 2021

Students who are hungry for fun are being served up a road safety message with a difference thanks to a couple of new ‘crackers’ in town.

As well as more traditional roadside signs, pub screens and social media messages, this year’s intake of freshers are being treated to a new animation featuring Blue Egg and Red Egg as they find their feet in the city.

The ‘Be More Blue Egg’ project, funded by the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership (SYSRP), highlights the dangers faced by students on the roads as they get to grips with unfamiliar surroundings.

Joanne Wehrle, SYSRP manager, said: “Every year we run a campaign to remind freshers to get home safe and look out for each other.

“With diaries full of night-time socialising and welcome events, it’s so important that they plan ahead and avoid unnecessary risks.

“This year we wanted to do something a little bit different in a way that will hopefully stand out on their news feeds.

“Our eggs are funny little characters but will highlight what can go wrong in a split second on our roads.”

Students will be reminded of the dangers of being distracted by a phone or music device, the need to use crossings where possible, taking extra care around parked cars and never driving under the influence of drink or drugs.

“It all sounds very basic,” added Joanne, “But when young adults are caught up in the fun and excitement of starting university, then road safety is likely to be the last thing on their mind.

“By taking extra time to plan, book a taxi or walk home together in a group, students are much less likely to be involved in a road traffic collision.

“We don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun, but this advice really could be the difference between a good night’s sleep and a night in hospital.

“No parent wants to hear that their son or daughter has been injured in a collision, all we all want is for students to have a safe and enjoyable start to term.”

The Partnership is also reminding city centre drivers about the increase in the number of pedestrians in Sheffield over the coming weeks.

“Please be vigilant and remember that a lot of students are in unfamiliar surroundings,” added Joanne.

“Give yourself extra time, stick to the speed limit and don’t be distracted by your mobile phone or other people in your car.”

For more advice and information for young adult pedestrians visit: