26 Nov 2020
As part of our commitment to tackling issues that matter to our communities the most, we want to hear your thoughts about drink driving in our community.
South Yorkshire Police traffic officers regularly ask our communities what they would like them to focus on; they will always be there to intercept criminals who use our road network to commit crime and respond to emergencies but we also want to hear your views on our proactive patrols.
The last survey, over 2000 of you had your say, and the results of the survey show that 49% of you wanted officers to focus on those who drive while under the influence of drugs or drink.
As we head into December and closer to the festive season, we want to focus our efforts on drink and drug driving and are keen to hear your thoughts and also understand more about the public’s perception.
Roads Policing Inspector Jason Booth explains more, he said: “We stop drivers all year and conduct road side breath tests. From these stops we see that drivers are willing to get behind the wheel while under the influence of drink and drugs throughout the year; however as we head towards Christmas, we know people are more likely to take risks.
“We want to understand how the public perceive the dangers of drink and drug driving and also ensure we are targeting patrols where our communities believe there to be an issue.
“We always appreciate it when you take the time to complete our survey, please ensure you have your say.”
The survey can be completed
The closing date to have your say is midnight on 1 December 2020.