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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership

Finishing off and Summertime

So June is here and for you JRSOs this means it is time to start rounding up. You should have a finishing off date so once your work is complete, arrange for the collection of your folder so that you can be be entered into the countywide JRSO competition.
Remember all the work you carried out since September is important and as a thank you for your participation and hard work, all JRSOs will receive a certificate for taking part in the scheme.

Good luck!

Even though it is time to finish off, you can still continue to run competitions and update your board. With summertime approaching and the good weather already here, children will be out and about having fun in the sun. Keep reminding everyone how to stay safer near and on the roads as children forget their road safety when distracted having fun.

Out walking Cycling and scooting In the car


Out walking - remember to use their Green Cross Code. Little ones should hold hands with grown ups. Teenagers need to remember not to get distracted.

Cycling & Scooting - make sure they are roadworthy. Make sure you are wearing the right clothing and equipment to keep you safer.

In the car - remind everyone to wear a seatbelt and that there should be no messing about in the car as you may distract your driver

Looking ahead - could you help with recruiting your schools next JRSOs?
