Hi there year 6s!
So your transition is approaching, have you got all the information you need? Moving to a new school can be scary but remember it can be exciting at the same time. Think of all the new friends you will make and all the subjects you will learn.
Question 1: Do you know which school you will be going to in September?
Now don't worry if you don't know straight away. Some people have more than one school to choose from. Some may also be home schooled. If you do know then brilliant as you can then start to consider the next question.......
Question 2: Are you going to have to travel further to your new school than you do now?
It is always good to know how far you are going to travel to your new school as it will help you decide how to get there. You may have to travel a lot further to your new school meaning how you travel to school is different from how you travel now. As it will be a different route to your current one then you have to consider all the hazards that you may face.
Question 3: Have you decided how you are going to travel to your new school?
Once you know where you are going then it is time to figure out how you re going to get to your new school. So what are you thinking? There are various options. You may even decide on 2 or 3 different ways. Cycle in summer and bus in winter. Walk is the weather is nice and go by car if it is raining.
Bikes and Scooters
Travelling by bike or scooter is brilliant as it is fun and keeps you healthy. Remember though if you decide to travel by either bike or scooter you must remember these 3 points:
1. Maintenance: if you look after your bike or scooter then they will look after you when out on them. Do you know what you need to check on your bike? Look at the diagram below, what would you put in the boxes for an 'M' Check?
2. When its dull and dark: by law you must have lights on your bike that work. A red one on the back of your bike and a white one at the front, so people when were you are. If you can wear a hi-vis jacket as well, great. The more fluorescent and reflective gear you wear the better. Have a look at Be Bright Be Seen for ideas.
3. Protection: The most important one that we can remind everyone of is a HELMET!
Travelling in cars and taxis
Many people travel in cars to school and these can be for many different reasons; weather, distance from school or even waking up late and needing a lift. Whatever the reason, we all need to ensure that whenever we are travelling in a vehicle we do so safely.
Going by bus
Depending on which school you decide to go to, you may need to catch the bus. There are several parts to being safe when travelling by bus, getting prepared to catch it, how to behave when on the bus and when you get off, how to cross safely.
Firstly, are you prepared? Look at this check list and make sure you have considered everything. Make notes where you need to and use the links below if you need further information.