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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership

Green cross code

The Green Cross Code is a set of useful instructions to try and help you cross the road safely.

The Green Cross Code can be easy to remember.

Think, Stop, Look, Listen, Think


The Green Cross Code

Think Stop Look Listen Think


Is this a safe place to cross? Can I see clearly in both directions and can the driver see me? Is there a pedestrian crossing that I could use?


STOP before you get to the kerb, leaving space so that you are not standing too close to the traffic. Little children should hold their grown-up's hand or a buggy.


Take a good look all around you. It is important that you can see clearly in all directions. Look right, then left and then check your right again to make sure it is safe to cross.


It is important to listen because sometimes you can hear the traffic coming before you can see it.


If there is traffic coming, let it pass before looking and listening again, until it is safe to cross. when it is safe, cross the road in a straight line to the other side. DO NOT run. Keep looking and listening as you cross.



Emergency services such as the Police, Fire Service and Ambulance Service will all have their blue lights flashing and their sirens going if they are on their way to an emergency. If you see one coming, take a step back and let the vehicle pass.


Activity sheets
Activity sheetsActivity sheets
Traffic (PDF)
A picture of very busy traffic to show how dangerous it can be for pedestrians.
Green cross code activity sheet
Green Cross Code (PDF)
Remember to use the Green Cross Code when crossing the road.
Holding hands
Holding Hands (PDF)
Holding hands with a grown-up can help keep you safe walking near roads.;
Spot the difference
Spot the Difference (PDF)
Difficult version. Can you spot the 8 differences in the busy traffic?
Pavements (PDF)
Pavements are for pedestrians.
Snap cards
Snap Cards (PDF)
Print these out and play snap whilst learning about road safety.
Other resources
Tales of the Road Highway Code
Tales of the Road - A Highway Code for Young Road Users (PDF)
Small steps to safety
Small steps to safety A5 Flyer (PDF)
Tales of the boy who didn't stop, look and listen
Tales of the Road - The Boy Who Didn't Stop,Look And Listen Poster (PDF)
Spike - watch out even on the roads you know
Spike - Watch out, even on roads you know (PDF)
Spike - The Green Cross Code
Spike - The Green Cross Code (PDF)
Spike think at a crossing too
Spike - Stop and Think at a crossing too (PDF)
Crossing the road 1
Crossing the Road (PDF)
Crossing the road 2
Crossing the Road 2 (PDF)
Dark busy street
Dark Busy Street Scene (PDF)
Busy street
Busy Street Scene (PDF)