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South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership

Safer places to play

Children love to play whether this is inside or outside. Making sure you find a safer place to play is really important particularly when you are playing outside.

Many children play with their friends near or on the roads near where they live.

When children are playing games they are not concentrating on the roads and traffic around them because they get distracted.

It is NEVER safe to play on or too near the roads.

So, where can you play that is safer?

Yours or your friends gardens are some of the safest options when choosing somewhere to play. They are away from the roads but near to your houses so you are still close by if your parents need you.

Grassy areas
If you don't have a park nearby there may be an area of grass you are safe to play on. Many of these areas may be close to buildings and it may be that there is a sign saying "No Ball Games" but there are many other games you might want to play. Are there any other safer places you can think of? Where ever you choose to play make sure your parents and carers know where you are!

Parks / playgrounds
Parks are great places to go and play. Most parks have large areas of grass for playing ball games and a playground with lots of things to play on.

Remember if you go to a park, you MUST ask your parents or carers if you can go so they know where you are. But if you are little you MUST also take your parents or carers with you.

Remember when playing...

  • If you are playing on a bike or scooter, wear a helmet and bright colours
  • Take care when crossing the road on your way to a friend's house or a park
  • If you take a football with you, make sure you carry it
  • Don't talk to strangers or people you don't know very well


  • Put a map on your notice board to show local safer places to play
  • Do a survey of favourite places to play
  • Assembly
  • Competition


What dangers can you see here?


What dangers can you see?
